Forest Advocate: Governor signs into law bill to limit PFAS use

Matt Leahy | August 27, 2024
The capitol dome in Concord.

The Forest Society, along with our partners, supported House Bill 1649 — legislation that proposes to restrict the use of PFAS in certain consumer products sold in New Hampshire. (Read our letter here.)

The passage of the bill marks a significant step in the efforts in New Hampshire to protect our water, soil and air resources and thereby limit the exposure citizens face from PFAS. As noted in the joint letter, because they are so widespread, toxic, and persistent, PFAS must be addressed “upstream” by reducing them at the source. 

HB 1649 is essential to solving the PFAS pollution crisis—and to protecting the health of our communities and environment—since it prohibits the sale of ten categories of consumer products with intentionally-added PFAS.

We are hopeful that the passage of the bill into law marks a significant step forward to address the environmental contamination and public health consequences from PFAS.