Eversource Seeks Rehearing at SEC for Northern Pass

Motion Calls SEC Decision to Deny Unfair

Jack Savage | March 1, 2018

Today Northern Pass launched its anticipated attempt to get another bite at the New Hampshire Site Evaluation Committee (SEC) apple. They simultaneously filed a Motion for Rehearing and held a press conference in Manchester.

At the press conference, focus was on “benefits of Northern Pass” and “conditions” that they say they will address the SEC’s concerns. Much of what Northern Pass were suggesting could somehow remedy the faults that led the SEC to deny a Certificate of Site and Facility were already on the table, including money from their proposed and so-called Forward NH Fund.

The Forest Society issued this statement:

“While the Forest Society respects the fact that Eversource has a right to appeal the unanimous decision to deny Northern Pass a permit, today’s filing does not appear to have anything new. The conditions Northern Pass says they agree to today were on the table previously for the SEC to take into consideration. They simply want a do-over.

“The problems with the Northern Pass proposal that led to the SEC denial are fundamental. The route they have chosen—creating new ROW through scenic northern New Hampshire, using inappropriate local roads, the scope and scale of a high-voltage transmission line on existing ROW that was never designed for it----unduly interferes with the orderly development of the region. They failed to meet the burden of proof on multiple counts. Their witnesses were not deemed credible. The SEC appropriately took into consideration the views of 22 intervening communities that opposed the project. None of this can be remedied by giving away money.”

Early press coverage includes this story by Nancy West at InDepthNH.org.