We are thrilled to welcome an art exhibit featuring the work of Chris Whiton to the Conservation Center in Concord. The exhibit is open to visitors from through August 30 during Forest Society business hours: Monday through Friday, from 8:30 AM to 5 PM.
About the artist:
Chris has been dabbling with photography for many years — first with film, then with digital. It has only been in the last decade that he took a leap into the digital realm, allowing him to capture images with a greater clarity and utilize more creativity.
Chris' love of photography stemmed from a long involvement with oil painting. He finds that a digital darkroom had similarities to the magic of oils, and he enjoys painting with light as much as he did with a brush and canvas.
Chris draws inspiration from his love of the grandiose wilderness that we are blessed with in New Hampshire. He has been a hiker since childhood, and his grandfather and grandmother were pioneer trailblazers who lived on the top of Mount Cardigan. Growing up in such a family, Chris was exposed to many stories of exploration and of local history.

There are many gems hidden in the New England wilderness, and Chris has challenged himself with finding unique ways to capture them for others to enjoy. Waterfalls and craggy ridges are among his favorite subjects.
Chris captures the raw beauty and dramatic contrasts of New Hampshire's landscape through his vision. HIs pictures are inspirational works of art, compelling the observer to journey out and explore our beautiful surroundings.
The framed work on display was created and assembled in Sugar Hill area of New Hampshire. Each piece was individually hand crafted, printed and sealed with a protective coating so that no glass is needed. These works are unique articles designed to last a lifetime.