Don't be surprised if you level up while visiting a Forest Society Reservation!
The Forest Society’s Monson Center has plenty of trails perfect for hunting for Pokémon! On 280 acres of conserved land you’ll be sure to hatch some eggs exploring miles of looping trails.
You’ll have to check out for yourself which Pokémon will be spawning among the fields, forest, and wetland. But with 10 Pokéstops and 3 gyms you could easily spend the whole day!
This spot is also perfect for all ages; easy terrain and far from busy roads provides the perfect place to bring your whole family of trainers. Monson Center lies only a half-hour from Manchester on the boarder of Hollis and Milford. To download the trail map click HERE.
Pro Tip: use incense to attract even more Pokémon- it’ll attract more if you keep moving. So get out there and explore those trails!
Other Forest Society Reservations with known Pokémon, Pokéstops, and Pokégyms:
Mount Monadnock Reservation - Jaffrey/Dublin
Merrimack River Outdoor Education & Conservation Area - Concord
Where else have you seen Pokémon on our reservations?