Advocacy Alert: Help Protect Our Water Quality!

Matt Leahy | February 15, 2023
A view from Creek Farm in Portsmouth.

On February 21, the House Environment and Agriculture Committee (E&A Committee) in the New Hampshire Legislature will consider a bill that would improve the protection of our natural resources.  We urge you to speak up in support of House Bill 56!

House Bill 56 would establish a formula for determining the distance for which a new landfill shall be located from a perennial river, lake, or coastal water. The E&A Committee will hold the hearing on the bill on February 21 at 1 PM. It is similar to a bill the Legislature considered last session. (Read our testimony from last year here). The Forest Society supports HB 56.

To register your position on this bill, click here to link to the NH House of Representative’s on-line registration system.

(For a tutorial on how to use this system, click here.)

Thank you for helping protect New Hampshire's natural resources by registering your support of House Bill 56!