Looking for Adventurous Volunteers to Join the Land Steward Program
The 2017 Land Steward Training is now full, but if you'd like to join our Trail Crew list to recieve a monthly email about upcoming outdoor volunteer opportunities, contact Jenn at jseredejko@forestsociety.org. You can also request to be contacted about next year's land steward training.
If you enjoy exploring natural places in New Hampshire, getting your hands dirty, and learning new skills, the Land Steward program might be right for you!
As a land steward, you receive hands on training in forest management, GPS/compass use, trail maintenance, and recreation management. The training prepares land stewards to assist Forest Society staff in the stewardship of their adopted reservation.
Some common stewardship responsibilites include: basic trail maintenance, wildlife habitat improvement, helping to manage recreational and edcucational uses of the land, frequent monitoring, trash/litter removal, caring for signs, gates, and kiosks.
For more information: about the Land Steward program
To inquire about: becoming a Land Steward