A "Hike-it-Yourself" Autumn Adventure
The Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests’ popular do-it-yourself hiking adventure was back for its fifth year in fall 2024 with the theme of “We all belong outdoors!"

The 5 Hikes Challenge runs annually from August 31 through October 31 and includes more than 30 unique and scenic walking or hiking destinations on Forest Society conservation land throughout New Hampshire.
The 5 Hikes Challenge is designed for everyone interested in reaching new places and exploring unsung natural destinations in different regions throughout New Hampshire.
Participants can choose five of the 30+ hiking and walking destinations to visit from a selection of Forest Society properties, located in the Seacoast, Merrimack Valley, Monadnock, Dartmouth/Lake Sunapee, Lakes, or White Mountains and North Country regions.
Each participant receives printed trail maps and directions, hiking tips, and interpretive information for their selected hikes in the mail, as well as a swag item. Participants are also invited to guided hikes led by Forest Society staff. This year, all registrants will receive a one-of-a-kind 5 Hikes Challenge sticker as the swag item!
Registration fees support the continued caretaking of these beautiful places; Forest Society members participate for free. Stay tuned for information about the 5 Hikes Challenge in 2025!